Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Meet the new Smashing Book: "Mobile Web Handbook" by Peter-Paul Koch

The waiting is over. PPK's new book on mobile
is ready, now shipping worldwide.

There're more bugs on mobile than particles in the universe!

Meet "Mobile Web Handbook", our new practical guide for dealing with front-end challenges on mobile.

Mobile Web Handbook, by PPK, available as printed hardcover and eBook.

$ 39

Get the book.Print + eBook. Shipping worldwide now.
Ah, use the code BUGS to save 15% today.

About The Book

Mobile is a difficult, unpredictable beast. Whether you're developing a responsive site, a mobile app or dealing with WebViews, you end up running into annoying technical issues in mobile browsers. Weird bugs, inconsistent CSS/JS support, performance issues, device fragmentation and complicated nuances such as device pixels, viewports, zooming, touch events, pointer/click events and the 300ms delay. Oh my!

Illustrations for the book were created by Stephen Hay.

The Mobile Web Handbook will help you make sense of it all. It's a brand new practical book to help you deal with technical issues on mobile effectively. Featuring recent research and testing, it shows the intricacies of mobile, with its common problems and workarounds, and delivers what it promises: real-world guidelines for mobile—unique and extremely useful. Jump to the table of contents. Also, you can look inside the book and download a sample chapter first (PDF, 0.2 Mb).

Sample PDF

232 pages. Written by Peter-Paul Koch. Reviewed by Brian and Stephanie Rieger. Designed by Stephen Hay.
Available as print and eBook.

Why This Book Is For You

Developing websites for mobile is pretty much the same as it has always been, but it does require you to learn a few new things, and some of them are quite confusing. In Mobile Web Handbook, you’ll learn:

  1. Mobile value chain of operators and device/OS vendors,
  2. Mobile/proxy browsers and browser developments,
  3. The complex browser situation on Android,
  4. Understand CSS pixels, physical pixels, device pixels,
  5. Make sense of layout viewport, visual viewport and ideal viewport,
  6. How zooming works and why page zoom is different than pinch zoom,
  7. The intricacies of the meta viewport and related CSS/JS properties,
  8. How to deal with technical issues of touch events in JS,
  9. Understand the touch event cascade and its bugs,
  10. Handle 300ms delay, pointer events and the click event,
  11. Fix common bugs caused by position: fixed, overflow: auto and background-attachment,
  12. Set up a device testing lab and test on mobile,
  13. Reconsider outdated development practices,
  14. Adjust expectations for mobile networks and latency.

Good enough? Alright then! You can get the book right away — it won't take more than 60 seconds.

Still not convinced? →

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Smashing Newsletter #118: RWD Emails and Transparent JPEGs

Vertical media queries, off-canvas menu and type. Issue #118 Tuesday, Sept. 23rd 2014 182,056 readers View in the browser

The Smashing Email Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Have you ever thought about how the reading experience of email newsletters could be improved? Tidying up the design and making it responsive (unless it is already, that is) may be a good start. Well, that's what we did last week; we adjusted the header area and removed clutter, increased the font-size and spacing within the body copy. You may have already noticed that you're able to read much more of today's editorial without having to scroll down first.

Furthermore, the table of contents is now an actual table with larger clickable areas supported by more padding that should be easier to click on. Also, the content of our newsletter issues will be highlighted both in the subject line as well as in short taglines that allow a quick preview of the topics across popular mail clients.

If you just started experimenting with responsive newsletters, you could look into responsive email layouts, patterns, resources, transactional email templates and potentially even email signatures to make the HTML email just right.

Happy responsive emailing!
– Vitaly (@smashingmag)

Table of Contents

1. Getting To Grips With The Bézier Curve
2. Get More Out Of Your Photoshop
3. Applying Alpha Channels To JPGs
4. (Good) Typography Is A Practice!
5. Design Patterns To The Rescue
6. The Forgotten Vertical Media Queries
7. Unusual Off-Canvas Menu Effects
8. Get Better And Smarter: Upcoming Smashing Workshops

1. Getting To Grips With The Bézier Curve

Mastering the pen tool can be quite challenging, even for experienced designers. So if your skills need some brushing up or if you finally want to get to grips with the bézier curve, The Bézier Game, created by Mark McKay for the education startup Method of Action, is a playful way to improve your skills.

Getting To Grips With The Bézier Curve

The concept of the game is simple. You get an object and you have to trace its outline by bending curves around it — with as few nodes as possible. But be warned, what sounds easy in theory is quite tricky in practice indeed. Just remember: practice does makes perfect, so don't give up too easily! (cm)

2. Get More Out Of Your Photoshop

Smart Photoshop extensions can speed up your design workflow immensely. So, how about giving these two a try: LayerCraft is a plugin to automatically export UI assets from layers to all iOS and Android sizes (@1x to @3x and mdpi to xxxhdpi). It does not only allow you to scale assets, but also trim down transparent pixels and cut out selected layers. You can download LayerCraft for free, however, if you find it useful, its creator Ray appreciates if you buy him a coffee in return.

Get More Out Of Your Photoshop

Another addition to your Photoshop toolbox that is bound to save you a lot of time is Page Layers, a Mac app that captures entire webpages and converts them to layered Photoshop files. Simply open up a site in the embedded browser and select to save it as a PSD file. Every page element (be it images, links or blocks) will be rendered as a separate, named layer that you can work with. This app is great if you need to switch from the browser to Photoshop quite often, or you just feel more comfortable adjusting design in Photoshop. But if you're working on a redesign, then this particular app could prove to be most handy. (cm)

3. Applying Alpha Channels To JPGs

You've had this problem before: you have a prominent large photo that requires a heavy transparent drop shadow on a solid background. Well, you could save the image as a PNG but then the file size will be pretty large, or you could save it as JPEG, but then transparency won't work because the transparent shadow will look washed out. So what to do? Well, you can create two files, a regular non-transparent JPG and an 8-bit PNG (alpha mask), and you can embed both of them inside an SVG container and actually apply the PNG mask to the JPEG image.

Applying Alpha Channels To JPGs

The JPEG/PNG compression with SVG is a simple technique, but due to SVG it isn't supported in IE8. However, for cross-browser support, you could embed both PNG and JPEG as data URIs inline inside the SVG and then display the images using img src or background. You can automate the process with an online generator, too. The result? Significant savings in file sizes for images that otherwise would have been obese. One for the bookmarks! (vf)


4. (Good) Typography Is A Practice!

Here's a million dollar question: What goes often unnoticed just because it makes sense? Well, the correct answer is: Good typography. Repeat, good typography! Good typography is what most people never really think about, and that's because it's simply appropriate. Good typography tends to simply convey just the right feeling; it's neither overwhelming nor distracting. If you consider that web design is 95% typography, then why not hone your skills?

(Good) Typography Is A Practice!

For example, you could bite off a little bit of your time and learn how to select typefaces for body text. Or, you could let yourself get inspired by a pro like Donny Truong and check out his demos of typographic web design using CSS, such as hanging punctuation, multi-columns, drop cap and the good old ampersand. If that's still not enough, why not pimp up your expertise on subheads and learn how you can achieve some interesting effects with a pinch of CSS, too? Also, sometimes it even helps to remind ourselves what typography is and why it's so valuable. (ea)

5. Design Patterns To The Rescue

Nothing beats a nice overview of common design solutions to a problem that you've just stumbled upon. You might not find just the solution to use right away, but seeing what might work before starting to design or code right away definitely saves a great amount of your time.

Design Patterns To The Rescue

CodePen guys 'n' gals have collected and categorized a few code snippets and presented them all in a nice Design Patterns overview. You'll find common solutions (and clever design techniques) for charts, graphs, tabs, buttons, dialogs, drop-down menus, log-in forms, loaders, pagination, calendars, tables, maps and emails. A handy resource to keep in mind, so you don't have to lose too much time searching around next time. (vf)

6. The Forgotten Vertical Media Queries

When we discuss media queries in responsive design, we tend to focus primarily on screen width and screen density. However, the good ol' device-agnostic design approach for RWD prompts us to add breakpoints when things, well, break, e.g. when font size is becoming too small, or the line-length is becoming suboptimal, or there isn't enough space to show the entire navigation menu any more. However, things don't only tend to break just across the horizontal axis. Portrait and landscape media queries, just like vertical media queries (min-height/max-height) can be extremely useful to fit in just the right amount of content within the available viewport area.

The Forgotten Vertical Media Queries

Well, what can you do with them? ToDoGroup adjusts padding for the content area and navigation bar based on the available vertical space to fit in more content in the narrower space. On Trent Walton's website, the main idea is to show more-or-less the same amount of content — adjusting font-size and padding based on both horizontal and vertical media queries. In his recent talk, Antoine Butler advocates to embrace the vertical and covers a few cases when vertical MQs would make sense, e.g. using accordion pattern when the vertical space is sparse and building adaptive sticky vertical navigation. Perhaps vertical media queries are worth considering in your next project, too. (vf)


7. Unusual Off-Canvas Menu Effects

Who says that off-canvas menus have to always just slide in from the left or right to reveal side menus and controls? If you are eager to try out something different for a change, you might find a wonderful source of inspiration in Codrops's collection of off-canvas menu effects. The effects are quite surprising, but in no way obtrusive.

Unusual Off-Canvas Menu Effects

Created with CSS transitions, CSS animations and animated SVGs, the code snippets give common interaction patterns an unusual twist and allow you to play with organic shapes — think waves flowing in from the bottom, for example. The collection comes with a nice demo, and if you want to dig in further, you can also find the project on GitHub. (cm)

8. Get Better And Smarter: Upcoming Smashing Workshops

With so many techniques, tools, libraries, design patterns, strategies, abstractions, frameworks and boilerplates available nowadays, what do you really need to know to keep your workflow fast, smart and efficient? That's exactly what our front-end and RWD workshops are all about: practical front-end + RWD workshops that will help you become better front-end developers and designers, today.

Get Better And Smarter: Upcoming Smashing Workshops

Two-Hour Online Workshops (Sept. 30–Oct. 1):

Full-Day Workshops In Zürich, CH (Oct. 14–15):

Half-Day Workshops In Bath, UK (Oct. 27):

Or, if you'd like to run an in-house workshop at your office, feel free to get in touch with Vitaly at vitaly@smashingconf.com and briefly describe what problems you're facing and would like to solve. Don't worry about the costs — we'll find a fair price for sure. Get in touch — it's that easy!

New on Smashing Job Board

Here are the recent job openings published on our Smashing Job Board:

  • Senior UX Architect at Krossover (New York, NY)
    We're looking for a Senior UX Architect to help us design, manage and improve our suite of Intelligence products, including web, iOS and Android apps.

  • Front-End Developer at Unify Square (Bellevue, WA)
    We're looking for a front-end developer who will design and implement enterprise-grade and robust UX for our high-performance products, as well as drive uniform UX across all the products and services.

  • UX Designer at BombBomb (Colorado Springs, CO)
    We're looking for a UX designer who has a passion for usability, an eye for visual consistency, and a knack for reducing the complex to the bare essentials.

Smashing Highlights (From Our Archive)

  • An Introduction To DOM Events
    Click, touch, load, drag, change, input, error, resize — the list of possible DOM events is lengthy. Events can be triggered on any part of a document, whether by a user's interaction or by the browser.

  • Smart Transitions In User Experience Design
    Some websites outperform others, whether in their content, usability, design, features, etc. Details of interaction design and animation make a fundamental difference on modern websites.

  • The Ultimate Free Web Designer's Icon Set
    There are thousands of free icon sets out there, and every other day we see new sets being released by the design community. In fact, Smashing Magazine has been releasing icon sets for years now, too.

Recent Articles On Smashing Magazine

Workshop image credits: Elisabeth Irgens

Sent to truly smashing readers via Mailchimp.
We sincerely appreciate your kind support. You rock.

Email: newsletter@smashingmagazine.com
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The authors are: Cosima Mielke (cm), Esther Arends (ea), Iris Lješnjanin (il), Vitaly Friedman (vf), Christiane Rosenberger (research), Elja Friedman (tools).

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Smashing Newsletter #117: Free Quality Fonts And CSS Trickery

Free fonts and smart front-end tools. Issue #117 Sept. 9th 2014 185,587 readers View in your browser

The Smashing Email Newsletter

Dear Friends,

What's the first thing you do when you travel abroad? Obviously, some sightseeing, exhibitions and fancy Foursquare marks are often scheduled, but what about trying something entirely different for a change? When traveling to a new city, I love spending hours wandering around random places outside the city center, observing how people live, taking photos of street windows, textures and, most importantly, house numbers; they tell so much about the personality of the city, and they can be remarkably inspiring, too. In fact, this is how the previous mystery riddles came to be.

When was the last time you spotted the number 36 on a building?

Autumn is usually a busy season for conferences, and if you're planning to attend one, why not spend a few hours wandering around the city instead of just taking notes and meeting new people? You could wander around together and take photos of door knobs and building signs and textures and falling leaves and misaligned labels and fancy old book covers... and so much more! You might find quite a few interesting things which (once combined with a smart designer's eye) can give birth to a new side project, or a new idea worth exploring!

Indeed, we have the SmashingConf Freiburg coming up next week, so if you'll be joining us, be sure to use the opportunity to randomly explore Freiburg — it's a laid-back, remarkable city. As for Smashing, PPK's Mobile Web Handbook is now available as eBook; the hardcover should be available late September. Also, we've got a few new upcoming front-end workshops in Zürich, Bath and online and we've published a little case study on performance optimization on SmashingMag over the last year. Beware: this might keep you busy for a while ;-)

Happy exploring, everyone!
– Vitaly (@smashingmag)

Table of Contents

1. High-Quality Free Fonts
2. Monocle List: An Unusual User Interface Experiment
3. Chartist.js: Responsive Charts With No Drama
4. Handy CSS Gradient Inspector
5. Table Generators For HTML And Markdown
6. Redesigning The Flying Experience
7. Get Better And Smarter: New Smashing Workshops
8. New on Smashing Job Board
9. Smashing Highlights (From Our Archive)
10. Recent Articles On Smashing Magazine

1. High-Quality Free Fonts

Everybody loves a good, free typeface. Obviously, designing a typeface requires a lot of work, and not always do designers release the results of their work for everybody to use. Finnish designer, Mikko Nuuttila, has created a quite funky, quirky experimental typeface that can be just what you're looking for in a not-so-formal design project.

High-Quality Free Fonts

Jaapokki is an exquisite free sans serif typefeace with 2 alternatives and a large set of glyphs. It will not work as a body copy typeface, but could work well for posters and quirky headings. Available in OpenType, TrueType, WOFF, EOT and SVG formats. Pretty, pretty good. Looking for more free fonts? Check out Source Serif Pro, Clear Sans, Fénix, Elega, Haus Ethnik and Typogami. (kv)

2. Monocle List: An Unusual User Interface Experiment

We're usually afraid of new interface patterns and prefer to stick to well-tested ones, just to be on the safe side. But what if you want to tell a story, or involve the reader, or make an unusual impression? Why not try something less common for a change? Hakim El Hattab reconstructed one of the effects he had noticed a few years ago, and created a new interesting interface pattern: the Monocle list. As you scroll the page, list items expand under a magnifying area. Neat!

Monocle List: An Unusual User Interface Experiment

So, where could the pattern be used? Well, perhaps in embedded maps or in portfolios where you'd like to give your illustrations a bit more prominence on hover. Of course, the technique is created entirely with CSS and JavaScript, and the source code is available on GitHub as well. Perhaps not very useful in every scenario, but definitely worth keeping in mind for you-never-know-what's-coming-up-next-projects. (cm)

3. Chartist.js: Responsive Charts With No Drama

Living as a designer or developer in the responsive age, you will need to create a responsive chart sooner or later (if you haven't done so already, a hundred times). Regardless of how experienced you are with charts, you will maybe fret about the issues that come up with most of the charting libraries out there: bitmap-based, not flexible enough, pretty static, and the list continues.

Chartist.js: Responsive Charts With No Drama

Well, what if you could use a simple chart generator for (of course, scalable) SVG graphs? If this sounds great, check out Chartist.js, a responsive charting library created with the single goal to help you draw straightforward responsive charts and not bother about technical issues. Once you've defined a config file for the chart, Chartist draws charts as inline SVGs, and a detailed documentation provides quite a number of options for tweaking the charts and making them just right. In fact, you can make the graph animated, too! A useful little tool to keep in mind for pretty much every responsive project. (ea)


4. Handy CSS Gradient Inspector

Chrome's Developer Tools come with a nice set of features that are useful for debugging. Despite the fact that there are a number of handy and powerful features already available, sometimes there is always that one little extension that can make your life so much easier. Rafael Carício's CSS Gradient Inspector is exactly one of these valuable, handy add-ons.

Handy CSS Gradient Inspector

Once installed in Chrome, the extension adds a sidebar to your developer tools which provides you with information on the gradients applied to the inspected object. Normally, Devtools provides you with an overall style, but with the extension each part of the gradient can be toggled individually, very much like different layers which can be extremely useful for debugging. A little helper that makes your workflow just a little bit faster. Sounds good? You can download the Chrome extension or Opera's Add On. And if you are looking for more useful extensions, link checker, traffic re-router, tab manager and Pagespeed Insights could be quite handy, too! (cm)

5. Table Generators For HTML And Markdown

Writing markup for complex tables is usually a pretty annoying task. What if the content is available in Markdown, or you'd like to use Markdown to mark up a table quickly, e.g. to display in comments on GitHub? Well, you can use Markdown Tables Generator to generate tables visually. All you have to do is build a table, type in the content (or import the CSV file or table data) and generate the Markdown code with a click of a button. You can use the same tool to generate HTML tables and text tables, too.

Table Generators For HTML And Markdown

Alternatively, you might want to check out ASCII Table that additionally allows you to generate markup for a spreadsheet, a simple ASCII table and GitHub Markdown. Also, if you need a simple tool to generate tables in your text editor, you might want to look into Emmet to generate HTML tables with a few simple abbreviations. No more manual table coding — yay! (ml)

6. Redesigning The Flying Experience

With their cryptic signs and confusing layouts, boarding passes often are pretty much the opposite of what we'd call "user-friendly". Disappointed by the status quo and their own flying experiences, Tyler Thompson and Peter Smart both challenged themselves to rethink the conventional boarding pass. What came about was a number of innovative mockups that could provide passengers with all the information they need at one glance, and a simple framework to cater for a consistent experience — no matter which airline you're flying with.

Redesigning The Flying Experience

However, the boarding pass isn't the only annoyance when flying. Just think of the uncomfortable seats or the waste that all of those sticky luggage tags produce. The topic matters to a lot of designers and some airlines have slowly started to realize that the flying experience has gotten outdated in many ways. But how can it be improved? There are some very interesting ideas out there that could help to solve the pain points of flying. Hopefully, they will fuel the much-needed makeover. (cm)

7. Get Better And Smarter: New Smashing Workshops

With so many techniques, tools, libraries, design patterns, strategies, abstractions, frameworks and boilerplates available nowadays, what do you really need to know to keep your workflow fast, smart and efficient? That's exactly what our front-end and RWD workshops are all about: practical front-end + RWD workshops that will help you become better front-end developers and designers, today.

Get Better And Smarter: New Smashing Workshops

Two-Hour Online Workshops (Sept. 30–Oct. 1):

Full-Day Workshops In Zürich, CH (Oct. 14–15):

Half-Day Workshops In Bath, UK (Oct. 27):

Or, if you'd like to run an in-house workshop at your office, feel free to get in touch with Vitaly at vitaly@smashingconf.com and briefly describe what problems you're facing and would like to solve. Don't worry about the costs — we'll find a fair price for sure. Get in touch — it's that easy!

8. New on Smashing Job Board

Here are the recent job openings published on our Smashing Job Board:

  • Lead UI/UX Designer at Onevest (New York, NY)
    We're looking for a talented ui/ux designer with a passion for design with strong opinion about aesthetics.

  • Front-End Developer at Boston Globe Media (Boston, MA)
    We're looking for a developer who can spot the difference between 10px padding and 12px padding from 10 yards away.

  • Senior Designer at SPINX Digital (Los Angeles, CA)
    As Senior Designer, you will get all of the essential web design tasks, such as designing original homepage and inner page comps, UX strategy, mobile app design, and prototyping.

9. Smashing Highlights (From Our Archive)

10. Recent Articles On Smashing Magazine

Editorial image credits: celarius0815, Workshop image credits: Elisabeth Irgens.

Sent to our truly smashing readers via Mailchimp.
We sincerely appreciate your kind support. You rock.

Email: newsletter@smashingmagazine.com
Follow us on Twitter Join us on Facebook

The authors in today's newsletter issue are: Iris Lješnjanin (il), Vitaly Friedman (vf), Melanie Lang (ml), Cosima Mielke (cm), Kristina Vogt (kv), Esther Arends (ea), Christiane Rosenberger (research), Elja Friedman (tools).

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